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cs401r_w2016:lab1 [2016/01/02 23:28]
cs401r_w2016:lab1 [2021/06/30 23:42]
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-Get started with python, ipython notebooks and anaconda. 
-For this lab, you will submit an ipython notebook. ​ This notebook will have two parts: 
-**Part 1:**  Your notebook should generate a random image. ​ We will run this 
-notebook 5 times; it should generate 5 different, moderately complex 
-images. ​ Each image should be 512 x 288.  Have fun with it! 
-The resulting image could, for example, look like this: 
-**Part 2:** Your notebook should use the pandas library to read in some CSV data and plot some of it. 
-Your plot should look something like this: 
-Throughout this class, we will be using a combination of ipython 
-notebooks and the anaconda python distribution. ​ For this lab, you 
-must install anaconda, and write a simple python program (using 
-ipython notebooks) and use it to generate simple random images. 
-You can generate any sort of random image that you want -- consider 
-random lines, random curves, random text, etc.  Each time the program 
-is run, it should generate a different random image. ​ Your image 
-should have at least 50 random elements (they can all be the same 
-type, such as random lines, and can be created in a loop). ​ We won't 
-count the number of elements; this is just to encourage you to create 
-random images with moderate complexity. 
-In preparation for future labs, we strongly encourage you to use the 
-[[http://​​|cairo]] package as part of your image generator. 
-====Installing anaconda:​==== 
-To generate images, check out PIL and cairo: 
-''​conda install cairo''​ 
-To generate random numbers, check out the [[http://​​doc/​numpy-1.10.0/​reference/​routines.random.html|numpy.random]] module. 
-To create a new notebook, run: 
-This should start an ipython kernel in the background, set up a 
-webserver, and point your browser to the webserver. ​ In the 
-upper-right corner, you will see a "​new"​ menu; under that menu you 
-should see "​Notebook"​ and "​Python 2"​. ​ This will create a new 
-Here's some starter code to help you generate an image. ​ The ''​nbimage''​ function will display the image inline in the notebook: 
-<code python> 
-import cairo 
-import numpy 
-# A simple function to display an image in an ipython notebook 
-def nbimage( data ): 
-    from IPython.display import display, Image 
-    from PIL.Image import fromarray 
-    from StringIO import StringIO 
-    s = StringIO() 
-    fromarray( data ).save( s, '​png'​ ) 
-    display( Image( s.getvalue() ) ) 
-WIDTH = 512 
-HEIGHT = 288 
-# this is a numpy buffer to hold the image data 
-data = numpy.zeros( (HEIGHT,​WIDTH,​4),​ dtype=numpy.uint8 ) 
-# this creates a cairo context based on the numpy buffer 
-ims = cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data( data, cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32,​ WIDTH, HEIGHT ) 
-cr = cairo.Context( ims ) 
-# draw a blue line 
-cr.set_source_rgba( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 ) 
-cr.set_line_width( 2.0 ) 
-cr.move_to( 0.0, 0.0 ) 
-cr.line_to( 100.0, 100.0 ) 
-# display the image 
-nbimage( data ) 
cs401r_w2016/lab1.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:42 (external edit)