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cs501r_f2016:tmp [2016/09/19 16:52]
cs501r_f2016:tmp [2021/06/30 23:42]
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-To explore deeper networks, to leverage convolutions,​ and to explore Tensorboard. 
-For this lab, you will need to perform three steps: 
-  - You need to implement the [[https://​​versions/​r0.10/​tutorials/​index.html|Deep MNIST for experts tutorial]] 
-  - You need to modify the tutorial code to deliver visualizations via Tensorboard. 
-Specifically,​ you should ​ turn in an iPython notebook that shows two images: 
-  - A Tensorboard image showing your classification accuracy over time 
-  - A Tensorboard image showing your (expanded) computation graph 
-Examples are shown to the right. 
-According to the tutorial, if you run for 20,000 iterations, the final accuracy of your classifier will be around 99.5%. ​ To make your life simpler, you only need to run for 1500 iterations. 
-====Grading standards:​==== 
-Your notebook will be graded on the following: 
-  * 40% Correct multilayer convolutional network defined and working 
-  * 30% Tidy and legible display of Tensorboard accuracy 
-  * 30% Tidy and legible display of Tensorboard computation graph 
-You now understand the basics of multi-layer neural networks. ​ Here, we'll expand on your toolkit by adding in convolutions,​ a bit of dropout, and a new optimization method. ​ Most of these will be explained in future lectures, so for now we will just use them without (fully) understanding them. 
-**Part 1: implement deep convolutional networks ** 
-For this lab, you must implement the [[https://​​versions/​r0.10/​tutorials/​index.html|Deep MNIST for experts tutorial]]. ​ This is mostly cutting-and-pasting code; since you already have Tensorflow up and running, this should be fairly straightfoward. 
-A few things to note: 
-  - You are now adding multiple layers. ​ Be careful with your variable names! 
-  - You'll use the Adam optimizer, not vanilla SGD.  We learn more about this later. 
-  - The dropout layer is optional, but you should probably leave it in just to make cutting-and-pasting easier. 
-**Note:** you only need to train for 1500 steps. ​ My final accuracy was 96.5%. ​ If you want to train for the full 20k steps, you are of course welcome to do so! 
-**Part 2: add in Tensorboard visualizations** 
-There are two parts to this: first, you need to scope all of the nodes in your computation graph. ​ In class, I showed a visualization that drew pretty boxes around all of the different parts of your computation graph. ​ That's what I want from you! 
-Second, you'll need to produce little graphs that show accuracy over time.  ​ 
-Adventurous souls can dive right into the [[https://​​versions/​r0.10/​how_tos/​summaries_and_tensorboard/​index.html|Tensorflow visualization tutorial]]. ​ Here are some condensed notes: 
-Tensorboard logs //events// to a //summary log//​. ​ You'll need to tell Tensorboard where to stash those events and when to write them out; both are done with a SummaryWriter. ​ You need to create a SummaryWriter object: 
-''​summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter( "​./​tf_logs",​ graph=sess.graph )''​ 
-as well as scalar summaries of relevant variables; maybe something like this: 
-''​acc_summary = tf.scalar_summary( '​accuracy',​ accuracy )''​ 
-These summaries are considered ops, just like any node in the computation graph, and they are triggered by ''​''​. ​ Tensorflow helpfully allows you to merge all of the summary ops into a single operation: 
-''​merged_summary_op = tf.merge_all_summaries()''​ 
-Then, you'll need to trigger the ''​merged_summary_op''​ operation. ​ This will generate a //summary string//, which you should pass to your summary writer. 
-Once you have run your code and collected the necessary statistics, you should be able to start up the Tensorboard visualizer. ​ It runs as a webserver; to start Tensorboard,​ you should be able to run something like the following **from the directory where you ran your TF code**: 
-<code bash> 
-cd tf_logs 
-tensorboard --logdir . 
-At which point you'll see something like the following output: 
-Starting TensorBoard 28 on port 6006 
-(You can navigate to http://​​6006) 
-Point your browser to the spot indicated, and voila! 
cs501r_f2016/tmp.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:42 (external edit)