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cs601r_w2020:lab2 [2020/01/10 17:49]
cs601r_w2020:lab2 [2021/06/30 23:42]
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-Explore careful hyperparameter tuning in pytorch. ​ Gain experience and confidence in carefully comparing multiple options. 
-For this lab, you will submit an ipython notebook via learningsuite. ​ Your notebook will contain two parts, as described below. 
-====Grading standards:​==== 
-Your notebook will be graded on the following: 
-  * 40% Part 1: Clearly displayed 10 bars 
-  * 25% Part 2: Clear explanation of your tweaking strategy 
-  * 25% Part 2: Actually run your tweaking strategy and show the results 
-  * 10% Tidy and legible figures, including labeled axes where appropriate 
-The goal of this lab is to learn how to explore the combinatorial space of possible hyperparameter settings. 
-Many deep learning papers present some sort of tweak on standard deep learning, and empirically illustrate that it improves performance (ideally across a wide variety of architectures and datasets). ​ It quickly becomes hard to know: which, if any, of these tweaks are truly important - and how do they work when combined? 
-For this lab, you will explore various tweaks to the basic classifier you coded in lab 1. There are two parts to the lab. 
-**Part 1:** You must clearly show the individual effect of each tweak compared to the baseline. ​ For this part, you should present a simple bar chart (or possibly two or more, depending on your layout), clearly labeled with the baseline performance,​ and then the performance of each tweak relative to baseline. ​ You may plot absolute or relative performances;​ whichever is clearer. 
-**Note:** I am not requiring error bars for this lab, although if we were doing this for real, they would be absolutely essential! 
-**Part 2:** You must think about how to find the best combination of tweaks. ​ There is no right answer to this part; I want you to think carefully about how to search the space of possible combinations,​ and come up with a reasonable method for settling on a final combination of tweaks. ​ I have tried to provide enough tweaks that it should be impossible to brute-force try all possible combinations (although that is certainly a valid strategy!). 
-For this part, you must include in your notebook a simple writeup describing your strategy (just a paragraph or two), and then show the final performance of whatever combination you hit upon. 
-Note that you will not be graded on absolute performance of any run; what is important is thinking clearly through which tweaks make a difference. 
-**The Tweaks** 
-Your baseline classifier must be a "​vanilla"​ classifier, with none of the features listed below. ​ We will systematically add them in. 
-You must test the following: ​ 
-    * Activation functions: relu (baseline), leakyrelu, selu, elu, hardshrink 
-    * Batchnorm: off (baseline), on (use one batchnorm per residual block) 
-    * Label smoothing: off (baseline), on 
-    * Learning rate: constant (baseline), CLR 
-    * Regularization:​ off (baseline), dropout 
-    * Initialization:​ xavier/he (baseline), orthogonal 
-So, for part one, your bar chart should have **10 different bars**. 
-Some of these tweaks require additional parameters. ​ You should either leave them at their default values, or think of some reasonable way to set them.  
-Activation functions and dropout can all be found in torch.nn 
-Initialization functions can be found in torch.nn.init 
-This lab should be pretty straightforward,​ with the right script -- you should be able to iterate over tweaks and run your classifier in a tidy loop. Ideally, you'll code it up, let it run, and come back in a few hours to find the results! 
-If you find yourself cutting-and-pasting,​ you might want to rethink your strategy! 
cs601r_w2020/lab2.txt ยท Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:42 (external edit)