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Learn how to use first-class and higher-order functions:


You will again use DrRacket, which you should have downloaded and installed for the previous labs.


For this lab, you will need to reimplement the following functions from the previous lab using Racket's higher-order functions map (including andmap and ormap), filter, or foldr. You may not use functions that take or return indices, such as index-of or list-ref:

You must write these using higher-order functions rather than implementing the recursion yourself. As with the previous lab, you may not use set!.

In addition, you will need to implement the following function:


(define (curry2 func) ...)

where func is a two-parameter function and the result is a curried version of that two-parameter function.

You may not use any built-in curry functions to implement this.

Hint: You don't need to know what the function passed in actually does. All you need to know is that it requires two parameters, and once you have those parameters you use the function.


You again do not need to bulletproof the code to enforce proper inputs. Your code only needs to return correct values given correct inputs.

You may also use other higher-order functions such as andmap, ormap, etc., but these are not required These short-circuit the map-and-fold process rather than performing all of the mapping and then folding the results. You will find that trying to pass the and and or operators to higher-order functions won't work because they are special forms and not just ordinary functions.
