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To understand state space models, and in particular, the Kalman filter.


For this lab, you will implement the Kalman filter algorithm on a custon dataset. Your notebook should produce a visualization of the observations, the true state, the estimated state, and your estimate of the variance of your state estimates.


Your notebook will be graded on the following elements:

  • 10% Data is correctly mean-centered
  • 20% Correctly updates responsibilities
  • 20% Correctly updates means
  • 20% Correctly updates covariances
  • 20% Correctly updates mixing weights
  • 10% Final plot is tidy and legible


For this lab, you will perform simple target tracking using the random accelerations model. The model is therefore given by

# the dynamics model
# the observation model
# the dynamics noise
# the observation noise
# the initial state
mu_t =
cs401r_w2016/lab7.1455723113.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:40 (external edit)