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To understand particle filters, and to gain experience with debugging likelihoods.

Suggested pre-requisite:

You may wish to install the python pyqtgraph package. This can be installed via conda install pyqtgraph. This is a plotting package that is significantly faster than matplotlib when scatter plotting many points (ie, particles).


Grading standards:


For this lab, you will need the following files:

sensors.mat contains the data you will use (you can also regenerate it directly, using the script below). contains utility functions that will enable you to create a simple map, and compute what a robot would see from a given position and angle. is the script that I used to generate the data for this lab. If you run it, it will generate a new dataset, but it will also produce a nice visualization of the robot as it moves around, along with what the sensors measure.


It can be frustrating to experiment with a particle filter when the interface is too slow. By using pyqtgraph instead of matplotlib, you can speed things up considerably.

Here is some code to create a pyqtgraph window, and show the map.

    from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
    import pyqtgraph as pg
    app = QtGui.QApplication( [] )
    win = pg.GraphicsWindow( title="Particle filter" )
    win.resize( 600, 600 )
    win.setWindowTitle( 'Particle filter' )
    pg.setConfigOptions( antialias=True )
    p3 = win.addPlot( title="Room map" )
    for i in range( 0, room_map.shape[0] ):
        p3.plot( [room_map[i,0], room_map[i,2]], [room_map[i,1], room_map[i,3]] )
    p3.setXRange( -0.1, 1.1 )
    p3.setYRange( -0.1, 1.1 ) 

To speed things up further, you should use the .setData method on your plots. This replaces the data used for a particular plotting element, and is faster than deleting and recreating the plot element. This is particularly important when trying to update many particles.

Here's a snippet of my code. ts_plot and ex_plot are initialized to None. My particles are stored in a 3xN matrix called parts, my expected states are stored in a 3xt matrix called exs.

        if ts_plot == None: 
            ts_plot = p3.plot( true_states[0,0:t+1], true_states[1,0:t+1], pen=(0,0,255) )
            ex_plot = p3.plot( exs[0,0:t+1], exs[1,0:t+1], pen=(0,255,0) )
            pts = p3.scatterPlot( parts[0,:], parts[1,:], symbol='o', size=1, pen=(255,100,100) )
            ts_plot.setData( true_states[0,0:t+1], true_states[1,0:t+1] )
            ex_plot.setData( exs[0,0:t+1], exs[1,0:t+1] )
            pts.setData( parts[0,:], parts[1,:] )
cs401r_w2016/lab8.1456501554.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:40 (external edit)