To learn about deconvolutions, variable sharing, trainable variables, and generative adversarial models.
For this lab, you will need to implement a generative adversarial network (GAN). Specifically, we will be using the technique outlined in the paper Improved Training of Wasserstein GANs.
You should turn in an iPython notebook that shows a two plots. The first plot should be random samples from the final generator. The second should show interpolation between two faces by interpolating in z
You must also turn in your code, but your code does not need to be in a notebook, if it's easier to turn it in separately (but please zip your code and notebook together in a single zip file).
An example of my final samples is shown at the right.
NOTE: this lab is complex. Please read through the entire spec before diving in.
Your code/image will be graded on the following:
This lab will help you develop several new tensorflow skills, as well as understand some best practices needed for building large models. In addition, we'll be able to create networks that generate neat images!
The most important new concepts here are deconvolutions,
variable reusing, and trainable variables. Deconvolutions are
what we will use to map a z
vector to an image. Because we'll
want to refer to the discriminator in two different contexts, we'll
want to reuse its variables (instead of creating two different
discriminators!). And because we'll want to optimize the
discriminator and generator separately, we'll need to be able to train
on subsets of variables.
In the scaffold code, you will find the following:
An important part of this lab is reading this code, so please take the time to thoroughly read and understand what it's doing.
Let's dive in!
Part 0: naming your variables, and training on subsets of variables
Before filling in any code, we need to think ahead a bit. We're going to create a large-ish computation graph that describes everything about our GAN, including the generator and discriminator. However, when we train the discriminator, we'll want to adjust only the variables involved in the discriminator, and when we train the generator, we'll want to adjust only the variables involved in the generator.
How can we accomplish this? Well, tensorflow has a handy function
called trainable_variables
that returns a list of all the
variables in your graph. By itself, this isn't quite enough – we
still need to distinguish generator variables from discriminator
Here's how I solved this problem: by naming my variables consistently,
and then creating a list of only discriminator / generator variables.
So, for example, here's how I set up a trainer that optimizes my
discriminator loss function (d_loss
) by tweaking only
discriminator variables (d_vars
t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer( 0.0002, beta1=0.5 ).minimize( d_loss, var_list=d_vars )
The critical part is that I created the var_list
populated with
only a subset of the variables I needed.
Note that for compatibility with the provided optimization code, you
should name your train steps d_optim
and g_optim
Part 1: create your placeholders
What are the inputs to a GAN? At some point, we'll need to be able to
pass in a z
variable and some real images. So, you'll only need
two placeholders in the entire computation graph! If you name them
and true_images
, then your code will be compatible with the
provided optimization loop.
Part 2: create your discriminator
To start, complete the disc_model
function. This is the
discriminator. Its job is to accept as input a batch of images (call
it imgs
), and output a batch of probabilities (where each
probability is the probability of the image being a real image).
Your discriminator should have the following layers:
: A 2d convolution on imgs
with 32 filters, followed by a leaky reluH1
: A 2d convolution on H0
with 64 filters, followed by a leaky reluH2
: A linear layer from H1
to a 1024 dimensional vector, followed by a leaky reluH3
: A linear layer mapping H2
to a single scalar (per image)H3
.The hardest part of creating your discriminator will be getting all of the dimensions to line up. Here are a few hints to help you:
. However, that's not compatible with a convolution! So, we need to reshape it. The first line of your function ought to be something like: imgs = tf.reshape( imgs, [ batch_size, 28, 28, 1 ] )
. Note that it's 4-dimensional - that's important!H1
layer will be a 4 dimensional tensor, but it needs to go through a linear layer to get mapped down to 1024 dimensions. The easiest way to accomplish this is to reshape H1
to be 2-dimensional, maybe something like: h1 = tf.reshape( h1, [ batch_size, -1 ] )
Part 3: create your generator
Now, let's fill in the generator function. The generator's job is to
accept a batch of z
variables (each of dimension 100), and then
return a batch of images (each image will be 28×28, but for
compatibility with the discriminator, we will reshape it to be 784×1).
Your generator should have the following layers:
: A linear layer, mapping z
to 128*7*7 features, followed by a reluD2
: a deconvolution layer, mapping H1
to a tensor that is [batch_size,14,14,128]
, followed by a reluD3
: a deconvolution layer, mapping D2
to a tensor that is [batch_size,28,28,1]
Note that you reshape D3
to be [batch_size,784]
compatibility with the discriminator.
Part 4: create your loss functions and training ops
You should create two loss functions, one for the discriminator, and one for the generator. Refer to the slides on GANs for details on the loss functions. Note that the slides and the following discussion are framed in terms of maximizing, but for consistency with my code (and other labs), you may wish to frame your cost functions in terms of minimization.
This is possibly the hardest part of the lab, even though the code is relatively simple. Here's how we need to wire up all of the pieces:
variable into the generative model, and call the output sample_images
that calculates classification accuracy on a batch. This can just check the output probabilities of the discriminator on the real and sampled images, and see if they're greater (or less) than 0.5.Here's the tricky part. Note that in wiring up our overall model, we need to use the discriminator twice - once on real images, and once on sampled images. You've already coded up a nice function that encapsulates the discriminator, but we don't want to just call it twice – that would create two copies of all of the variables.
Instead, we need to share variables – the idea is that we want to be able to call our discriminator function twice to be able to perform the same classification logic, but use the same variables each time. Tensorflow has a mechanism to help with this, which you should read about here.
Note that the provided layers already use “get_variable”, so sharing
variables should be as straightforward as figuring out when to call
the reuse_variables
I highly recommend using Tensorboard to visualize your final computation graph to make sure you got this right. Check out my computation graph image on the right - you can see the two discriminator blocks, and you can see that the same variables are feeding into both of them.
Part 5: Run it and generate your final image!
Assuming you've named all of your placeholders and ops properly, you can use the provided optimization code. It's set to run for 500 iterations, and print out some debugging information every 10 steps.
Note that the loop takes 3 steps for the generator for every 1 step taken by the discriminator! This is to help maintain the “balance of power” we talked about in class.
Assuming everything has gone well, you should see output something like this:
0 1.37 0.71 0.88 10 0.90 0.98 1.00 20 0.69 0.93 1.00 30 0.89 1.14 0.91 40 0.94 1.06 0.86 50 0.77 1.20 0.96 60 0.59 1.55 0.94 70 0.46 1.47 0.97 80 0.58 1.64 0.94 90 0.42 1.64 0.98 100 0.73 1.14 0.87 110 0.74 1.51 0.91 120 0.78 1.35 0.86 130 1.08 1.31 0.71 140 1.39 0.94 0.61 150 0.90 1.24 0.82 160 1.26 1.00 0.66 170 0.90 1.03 0.81 180 1.02 1.04 0.76 ... 490 1.25 1.12 0.68
Note that we see the struggle between the generator and discriminator clearly here. The first column represents the loss function for the discriminator, the second column is the loss function for the generator, and the final column is the discriminators classification accuracy.
Initially, the discriminator is able to distinguish almost perfectly between true and fake images, but by the end of training, it's only running at 68% accuracy. Not bad!
Note that for your final image, you may need to train longer – I used 5000 steps, instead of 500.
Hint for debugging: if you ever see the cost function for the generator going higher and higher, it means that the discriminator is too powerful.