To gain experience coding a DNN architecture and learning program end-to-end, and to gain experience with Siamese network and ResNets.
For this lab, you will need to implement a simple face similarity detector.
You should turn in the following:
You should use the Labeled Faces in the Wild-a dataset (also available for download from liftothers).
Your notebook will be graded on the following:
For this lab, you should implement a Siamese network, and train it to recognize whether or not two faces are the same or different.
No scaffolding code (except for a simple script for loading the images below) will be provided. The goal of this lab is for you to experiment with implementing an idea end-to-end.
The steps for completion of this lab are:
Note: you will NOT be graded on the accuracy of your final classifier, as long as you make a good faith effort to come up with something that performs reasonably well.
Your ResNet should extract a vector of features from each image. Those feature vectors should then be compared to calculate an “energy”; that energy should then be input into a contrastive loss function, as discussed in class.
Remember that your network should be symmetric, so if you swap input images, nothing should change.
Note that some people in the database only have one image. These images are still useful, however (why?), so don't just throw them away.
As discussed in the “Deliverable” section, your writeup must include the following:
This writeup should be small - less than 1 page. You don't need to wax eloquent.
To help you get started, here's a simple script that will load all of the images and calculate labels. It assumes that the face database has been unpacked in the current directory, and that there exists a file called list.txt
that was generated with the following command:
find ./lfw2/ -name \*.jpg > list.txt
After running this code, the data will in the data
tensor, and the labels will be in the labels
from PIL import Image import numpy as np # # assumes list.txt is a list of filenames, formatted as # # ./lfw2//Aaron_Eckhart/Aaron_Eckhart_0001.jpg # ./lfw2//Aaron_Guiel/Aaron_Guiel_0001.jpg # ... # files = open( './list.txt' ).readlines() data = np.zeros(( len(files), 250, 250 )) labels = np.zeros(( len(files), 1 )) # a little hash map mapping subjects to IDs ids = {} scnt = 0 # load in all of our images ind = 0 for fn in files: subject = fn.split('/')[3] if not ids.has_key( subject ): ids[ subject ] = scnt scnt += 1 label = ids[ subject ] data[ ind, :, : ] = np.array( fn.rstrip() ) ) labels[ ind ] = label ind += 1 # data is (13233, 250, 250) # labels is (13233, 1)