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Work with sequential data in Pytorch by building a Char-RNN for text generation


For this lab, you will submit an ipython notebook via learningsuite.

There are many resources for character level recurrent neural networks. This Blog Post will be helpful in understanding the potential, and getting a basic understanding.

This lab will have three parts:

Part 1: Build RNN with built-in methods, train on _textfile.txt_

Part 2: Build your own LSTM Cell

Part 3: Build your own GRU Cell

Part 4: Generate awesome text with a dataset of your choice

This is an example output from The Lord of the Rings, after only 20 minutes of training.

“Who now further here the learnest and south, looking slow you beastion, and that is all plainly day.”

Grading standards:

Your notebook will be graded on the following:

  • 100% Build something amazing
  • 20% Modified code to include a test/train split
  • 20% Modified code to include a visualization of train/test losses
  • 10% Tidy and legible figures, including labeled axes where appropriate


At this point in the semester, we have worked primarily with

Part 1 detailed outline:

Step 1. Get a colab notebook up and running with GPUs enabled.

Step 2. Install pytorch and torchvision

!pip3 install torch 
!pip3 install torchvision
!pip3 install tqdm

Step 3. Import pytorch and other important classes

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
from import Dataset, DataLoader
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from torchvision import transforms, utils, datasets
from tqdm import tqdm
assert torch.cuda.is_available() # You need to request a GPU from Runtime > Change Runtime Type

Step 4. Construct

- a model class that inherits from “nn.Module”

- a dataset class that inherits from “Dataset” and produces samples from

  • You may be tempted to use this dataset directly (as it already inherits from Dataset) but we want you to learn how a dataset is constructed. Your class should be pretty simple and output items from FashionMNIST

Step 5. Create instances of the following objects:

Step 6. Loop over your training dataloader, inside of this loop you should

  • zero out your gradients
  • compute the loss between your model and the true value
  • take a step on the optimizer
cs501r_f2018/lab6.1538496078.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:40 (external edit)