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Gain exposure to state of the art attention mechanisms.


For this lab, you will need to read, modify, and extend the Transformer model from this paper. You will use this new network build a Spanish to English translation system.

This lab is again different than those seen previously. You will be working with an annotated jupyter notebook from Harvard. This annotated notebook contains the paper text, along with code snippets to explain certain aspects of this network.

You should turn in your completed jupyter notebook (built upon the annotated version from Harvard), which includes several example snippets of translated Spanish to English sentences.

Please turn in your samples inside of the jupyter notebook, not in a separate file.

Grading standards:

Since much of this lab is reading someone else's code, the grading standard is slightly different.

Your code/image will be graded on the following:

  • 50% Read and Study the annotation found in the Harvard notebook (on your honor)
  • 20% Clean, transform, load, and train on provided General Conference NMT dataset
  • 20% Try 1, 2, 4, 6 layers for both encoder and decoder pieces, report results in a few short paragraphs
  • 10% Good coding style, readable output


For this lab, you will modify the Annotated Transformer. There is link to a coloab notebook in the jupyter notebook that you can use. The code is slightly different between the notebook linked above, and the colab like provided by Harvard. Both will work, you may very likely need to mix and match pieces from each to get a working implementation. While this may feel slightly frustrating, it is good practice for deep learning research strategies.

Often when implementing a novel deep learning method, you will start by using someone's implementation as a reference. This is an extremely valuable, and potentially time-saving skill, for producing workable solutions to many problems solved by deep learning methods.

There are 3 main parts to this lab

Part 1: Reading and Study A large portion of your time spent in this lab will be reading and understanding the topology, attention, dot products, etc introduced in this paper. Since this will be time consuming, and potentially new to some of you, there is no report or grading scheme. Simply do your best to read and understand the material (it will make part 2 and 3 easier if you have a good understanding).

Part 2: Extend their work to build a General Conference machine translation system

Part 2: Sample text and Training information

We now want to be able to train our network, and sample text after training.

This function outlines how training a sequence style network goes. Fill in the pieces.

def train(inp, target):
    ## initialize hidden layers, set up gradient and loss 
      # your code here
    ## /
    loss = 0
    for c in range(chunk_len):
        output, hidden = # run the forward pass of your rnn with proper input
        loss += criterion(output, target[c].unsqueeze(0))
    ## calculate backwards loss and step the optimizer (globally)
      # your code here
    ## /
    return loss.item() / chunk_len

You can at this time, if you choose, also write out your train loop boilerplate that samples random sequences and trains your RNN. This will be helpful to have working before writing your own GRU class.

If you are finished training, or during training, and you want to sample from the network you may consider using the following function. If your RNN model is instantiated as `decoder`then this will probabilistically sample a sequence of length `predict_len`

def evaluate(prime_str='A', predict_len=100, temperature=0.8):
    ## initialize hidden variable, initialize other useful variables 
      # your code here
    ## /
    prime_input = char_tensor(prime_str)
    # Use priming string to "build up" hidden state
    for p in range(len(prime_str) - 1):
        _, hidden = decoder(prime_input[p], hidden)
    inp = prime_input[-1]
    for p in range(predict_len):
        output, hidden = #run your RNN/decoder forward on the input
        # Sample from the network as a multinomial distribution
        output_dist =
        top_i = torch.multinomial(output_dist, 1)[0]
        ## get character from your list of all characters, add it to your output str sequence, set input
        ## for the next pass through the model
         # your code here
        ## /
    return predicted

Part 3: Creating your own GRU cell

The cell that you used in Part 1 was a pre-defined Pytorch layer. Now, write your own GRU class using the same parameters as the built-in Pytorch class does.

Please try not to look at the GRU cell definition. The answer is right there in the code, and in theory, you could just cut-and-paste it. This bit is on your honor!

Part 4: Run it and generate your final text!

Assuming everything has gone well, you should be able to run the main function in the scaffold code, using either your custom GRU cell or the built in layer, and see output something like this. I trained on the “lotr.txt” dataset, using chunk_length=200, hidden_size=100 for 2000 epochs gave.

[0m 9s (100 5%) 2.2169]
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[0m 19s (200 10%) 2.0371]

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[0m 58s (600 30%) 1.8170]
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[1m 17s (800 40%) 1.9458]
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[1m 47s (1100 55%) 1.8770]
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[1m 57s (1200 60%) 1.9401]
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[2m 7s (1300 65%) 1.8095]
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[2m 16s (1400 70%) 1.9229]
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[2m 26s (1500 75%) 1.8169]
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[2m 36s (1600 80%) 1.6635]
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[2m 46s (1700 85%) 1.7868]
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[2m 56s (1800 90%) 1.6343]
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[3m 6s (1900 95%) 1.8191]
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[3m 16s (2000 100%) 1.8725]
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cs501r_f2018/lab7.1539618727.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:40 (external edit)