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To understand expectation maximization, and to explore how to learn the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model.


For this lab, you will implement the Expectation Maximization algorithm on the Old Faithful dataset. This involves learning the parameters of a Gaussian mixture model. Your notebook should produce a visualization of the progress of the algorithm. The final figure should look something like this:


Your notebook will be graded on the following elements:

  • 10% Data is correctly mean-centered
  • 20% Correctly updates responsibilities
  • 20% Correctly updates means
  • 20% Correctly updates covariances
  • 20% Correctly updates mixing weights
  • 10% Final plot is tidy and legible


To help our TA better grade your notebook, you should use the following initial parameters:

# the Gaussian means (as column vectors -- ie, the mean for Gaussian 0 is mus[:,0]
mus = np.asarray( [[-1.17288986, -0.11642103],
                   [-0.16526981,  0.70142713]])
# the Gaussian covariance matrices
covs = list()
    np.asarray([[ 0.74072815,  0.09252716],
                [ 0.09252716,  0.5966275 ]]) )
    np.asarray([[ 0.39312776, -0.46488887],
                [-0.46488887,  1.64990767]]) )
# The Gaussian mixing weights
mws = [ 0.68618439, 0.31381561 ]


In order to visualize a covariance matrix, you should plot an ellipse representing the 95% confidence bounds of the corresponding Gaussian. Here is some code that accepts as input a covariance matrix, and returns a set of points that define the correct ellipse; these points can be passed directly to the plt.plot() command as the x and y parameters.

import numpy as np
def cov_to_pts( cov ):
    circ = np.linspace( 0, 2*np.pi, 100 )
    sf = np.asarray( [ np.cos( circ ), np.sin( circ ) ] )
    [u,s,v] = np.linalg.svd( cov )
    pmat = u*2.447*np.sqrt(s) # 95% confidence
    return  pmat, sf )

Here are some additional python functions that may be helpful to you:

# compute the likelihood of a multivariate Gaussian
cs401r_w2016/lab13.1452705892.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/06/30 23:40 (external edit)