CS501r, Fall 2018 - Deep Learning: Theory and Practice

Here is the course description.

All of the slides are posted on Dropbox here


Lab 1 - Colab and playground screenshot

Lab 2 - Get to know pytorch

Lab 3 - Your first DNN

Lab 4 - Cancer Detection

Lab 5 - Style Transfer

Lab 6 - Unreasonable Effectiveness of RNNs

Lab 7 - Attention Is All You Need

Lab 8 - Improved Wasserstein GAN

Lab 9 - Deep RL & PPO

…More labs will be added here…

Final project


Pytorch tutorials

A good colab tutorial notebook

A quick intro to deep learning on the supercomputer

A quick intro to deep learning on google cloud

A great tutorial on python / numpy!

Older stuff

Some instructions for getting Tensorflow to run on the CS open labs

A nice tutorial on setting up wsl for machine learning

General notes on ipython and seaborn